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發(fā)布日期:2018-07-01 :: 瀏覽數:1462 次 信息來(lái)源:
Microsoft founder Bill Gates is pouring $4 million intoa project to create killer mosquitoes that destroyeach other through sex.
微軟創(chuàng )始人比爾.蓋茨將投資400萬(wàn)美元(約合2654萬(wàn)元人民幣),用以培育能夠在交配中殺死對方的“殺手蚊”。
It's a bold bid to curb malaria, a deadly diseasetypically transmitted through the bite of infectedmosquitoes.
Tech mogul Gates will use funds from his owncharity organization – the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – to eradicate malaria "within ageneration."
科技巨頭蓋茨將利用其慈善機構比爾和梅琳達.蓋茨基金會(huì )的資金,在“一代”之內根除瘧疾。
The plan is to create genetically modified male mosquitoes that mate with their femalecounterparts in the wild.
該計劃將培育出轉基因雄蚊,而這些雄蚊將會(huì )在自然條件下和雌蚊交配。
Only female mosquitoes bite, so Gates' army of gene-engineered male mosquitoes would besafe to humans.
只有雌蚊會(huì )叮咬人類(lèi),所以這一項目培育的眾多轉基因雄蚊不會(huì )危及人類(lèi)。
What's important is that these male mosquitoes contain a self-limiting gene that gets passedonto female mates.
When the females give birth, their offspring will die before adulthood thanks to the gene.
雌蚊產(chǎn)卵時(shí),她們的后代將會(huì )因為攜帶這種基因而夭折。
Mosquitoes only start biting people once they're adults, so given enough time, the danger ofblood-sucking female mosquitoes could be eradicated.
蚊子只會(huì )在成年之后叮咬人類(lèi),只要時(shí)間足夠,來(lái)自吸血雌蚊的危險就可以根除。
This means it would be possible to stem the spread of malaria through mosquito bites.
They're developed by a UK company called Oxitec, which has dubbed the creations "FriendlyMosquitos" — although their female mates may disagree.
Oxitec has already created gene-engineered mosquitoes to deal with the Zika virus.
In some areas, the wild populations of Aedes aegypti (the mosquito that carries Zika) havebeen reduced by 90 percent.
But the malaria-carrying Anopheles mosquitoes require a new genetically modified breed tomate with.
Oxitec's killer sex mosquitoes are expected to be ready for trials by the end of 2020.
However, not everyone is happy about the prospect of genetically modified (GM) mosquitoesbeing used to prematurely terminate their offspring.
Oxitec's work has been heavily criticized by Friends of the Earth, a charity dedicated toprotect the environment.
Back in 2012, Friends of the Earth's Eric Hoffman said: "Trials of its mosquitoes must not moveforward in the absence of comprehensive and impartial reviews of the environmental, humanhealth and ethical risks."
In a statement at the time, Friends of the Earth said: "The GM mosquitoes are intended toreduce the wild population by mating with naturally occurring mosquitoes and producingprogeny which don’t survive, thus reducing the population and therefore the transmission ofthe tropical disease dengue fever.
"The company has been widely criticized for putting its commercial interests ahead of publicand environmental safety.
"Its first releases of GM mosquitoes took place controversially in the Cayman Islands, wherethere is no biosafety law or regulation.
"Oxitec staff have been closely involved in developing risk assessment guidelines for GMinsects worldwide, leading to concerns about lack of independent scrutiny and conflict ofinterest."
But Bill Gates is a longtime supporter of Oxitec's work.
Back in 2010, he gave approximately $4.9 million to Oxitec to help fund early work on killermosquito projects.
He has extensively funded work on eradicating malaria, a disease that kills around 440,000 people every year.
Complications that threaten human life include swelling of the blood vessels in the brain, abuild-up of fluid in the lungs, organ failure (of the kidneys, liver or spleen), anemia, and lowblood sugar.